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Enlaces - Buscador de Arquitectura

Imhotep (2635-2595 BC) ENVIAR A UN AMIGO
Brief biography of the Ancient Egyptian architect responsible for the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, from Great Buildings Online, which quotes its source.
(Agregado: Mon, 01 Ene 2001 Accesos: 328 Calificación: 0.00 Votos: 0 )   Califícalo   Coméntalo  Detalles Pago - Unknown Tag: 'Links_PPC_Bid'
Imhotep 3rd Dynasty ENVIAR A UN AMIGO
Brief biography of the Ancient Egyptian official best known as the architect of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, with photograph and description of the pyramid, from Intercity Oz.
(Agregado: Mon, 01 Ene 2001 Accesos: 170 Calificación: 0.00 Votos: 0 )   Califícalo   Coméntalo  Detalles Pago - Unknown Tag: 'Links_PPC_Bid'
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