Buscador : Arquitectura : Grandes Arquitectos : G : Gandon, James : James Gandon (1743-1823)
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James Gandon (1743-1823) ENVIAR A UN AMIGO  
James Gandon (1743-1823) ENVIAR A UN AMIGO  
Brief biography from Architectural Dublin of the architect responsible for some of Dublin's most important builings including the Custom House, the Four Courts, the additions to the Houses of Parliament and the Kings Inns.
(Agregado: Mon, 01 Ene 2001 Accesos: 225 Calificación: 0.00 Votos: 0 )   Califícalo   Coméntalo

Brief biography from Architectural Dublin of the architect responsible for some of Dublin's most important builings including the Custom House, the Four Courts, the additions to the Houses of Parliament and the Kings Inns.

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