Buscador : Arquitectura : Grandes Arquitectos : W : Webb, Philip Speakman : Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings - History
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Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings - History ENVIAR A UN AMIGO  
A page on the history of the Society, which was founded by William Morris and Philip Webb in 1877 to counteract the highly destructive 'restoration' of medieval buildings being practised by many Victorian architects. Philip Webb was the leading light of this group and a number of young architects trained under his guidance.
(Agregado: Mon, 01 Ene 2001 Accesos: 194 Calificación: 0.00 Votos: 0 )   Califícalo   Coméntalo

A page on the history of the Society, which was founded by William Morris and Philip Webb in 1877 to counteract the highly destructive 'restoration' of medieval buildings being practised by many Victorian architects. Philip Webb was the leading light of this group and a number of young architects trained under his guidance.

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