Buscador : Arquitectura : Edificios y Estructuras : Religiosos : Catedrales : Italia : The Leaning Tower of Pisa
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The Leaning Tower of Pisa ENVIAR A UN AMIGO  Anterior  Siguiente  
The Leaning Tower of Pisa ENVIAR A UN AMIGO  
The official site gives an illustrated history of the famously tilted medieval cathedral bell tower, Quick Time Virtual Reality panoramas and huge searchable archives of photographs and historical sources.
(Agregado: Mon, 01 Ene 2001 Accesos: 185 Calificación: 0.00 Votos: 0 )   Califícalo   Coméntalo

The official site gives an illustrated history of the famously tilted medieval cathedral bell tower, Quick Time Virtual Reality panoramas and huge searchable archives of photographs and historical sources.

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